浙师大数理与信息工程学院导师介绍:夏永辉 -2024欧洲杯竞猜入口官网

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指导专业:(0701) 数学(一级)

1.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,2010.1-2012.12,项目名称:泛函微分方程的多重概周期解和相关的分支问题,编号: 10901140, 经费额度:16万。
2.主持浙江省自然科学基金面上项目:时标动力系统的线性化及相关的周期性问题,no. y6100029 (2010.6-2012.6)。 5万。
3.主持福建省自然科学基金一项,2007.7-2009.7,项目名称:几类概周期微分方程的理论和方法的研究与应用,编号: s0750008, 经费额度:1.5万。发表论文和著作

[1] yonghui xia, maoan han, new conditions on the existence and stability of periodic solution in lotka-volterra's population system, siam journal on applied mathematics, 69, no. 6, (2009),pp. 1580-1597.
[2] yonghui xia, jinde cao, maoan han, a new analytical method for the linearization of dynamic equation on measure chains, journal of differential equations, 235 (2007) , 527–543.
[3] yonghui xia, muren lin, jinde cao, the existence of almost periodic solutions of certain perturbation systems,journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 310:1(2005), 81-96.
[4] yonghui xia, zhenkun huang, maoan han, existence of almost periodic solutions for forced perturbed systems with piecewise constant argument, journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 333 (2007) 798–816.
[5] yonghui xia, sui sun cheng, quasi-uniformly asymptotic stability and existence of almost periodic solutions of difference equations with applications in population dynamic systems, journal of difference equations and applications, 14:1 (2008), 59-81.
[6] yonghui xia, z.yang, maoan han, lag synchronization of chaotic delayed yang-yang type fuzzy neural networks with noise perturbation based on adaptive control and parameter identification, ieee transcation on neural networks, 20:7(2009),1165-1180.
[7] yonghui xia, maoan han, zhenkun huang, global attractivity of an almost periodic n-species nonlinear ecological competitive model, journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 337 (2008) 144–168.
[8] y.h.xia, global analysis of an impulsive delayed lotka-volterra competition system, commun. nonlinear sci. numer. simulat., 16 (2011) 1597–1616.
[9] yonghui xia, positive periodic solutions for a neutral impulsive delayed lotka-volterra competition system with the effect of toxic substance, nonlinear analysis: : real world applications, 8(2007), 204-221.
[10] y.h. xia and p. j.y. wong,global exponential stability of a class of retarded impulsive differential equations with applications, chaos, solitons and fractrals,39:1, (2009), 440-453.







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